Frogs are sadly declining at an alarming rate as a diret result from pollution.  I was very sad indeed to stumble across a local pond recenlty which was fillled with dead frogs to which my 3 year old daughter was extremely distressed and to which has promoted this current up – date.  My daughter has only ever seen tadpoles in a small tank at school which is fab for her awareness and education – however it’s not an ideal way to experience wildlife is it ? to keep them this way can sadly simply kill them.


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If whilst reading this post and have young children or maybe you simply love wildlife like myself then why not bring the frogs to your own garden by installing your very own pond?  I would recommend  a mimium depth of 2 – 3 ft ( which then aids prevention of freezing) if freezing does occur then simply use hot water on the ice preventing hibernating frogs from suffocation  – Also don’t forget to create safe havens for you new garden friends such as placing a frogilo house down, as this will keep the frogs & toads more secluded away from predators such as cats & foxes, my daughter really enjoys visiting her new garden friends.

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You may like myself find amphibians fascinating, or you may not – However! you may be pleasantly surprised to learn that they’re also a fanstastic way to keeping slugs &  snails at bay ~ the organic way –  as frogs & toads very much love to feed on (these garden pests) so,  no more slug pellets, keeping your garden that perfect safe haven ( pesticide free )




Wildlife World

Autumn & Winter Feeding:

At this time of year birds benefit from being fed a high energy ( High Fat Diet)

In these coldest winter climates birds benefit immensely from being fed a diet of high fat food which can help even the smallest of birds in helping them to generate extra body heat, so its vital to feed birds such a diet high in calories and high in fat such as suet and fatballs.


Spring & Summer Feeding:

During the warmer climate birds require protein foods such as black sunflower seeds, mealworms, waxworks, Nyjer seed and peanuts. (Peanuts should be fed from metal feeders preventing the chicks to choke).

It is known that birds chose this time of year to breed and feed their chicks as the availability of insects is more vast such as earthworms & caterpillars, however, in the colder, wet rainier days insects are not so readily availible and when the weather is extremely dry the earthworms will not be readily availible causing a shortage of supply for the birds and their young chicks which is why its so important to only place feed which is appropriate to feeding the chicks or they will choke and will be fatal doing more harm than good. ~ ( RSPB)